Twitter Marketing course Rajkot
Devweb Technology provides Twitter Marketing course Rajkot. Twitter is one of the most current and latest social networking platforms used by millions of viewers worldwide. A thousand numbers of users are signing up every day to share anything from breaking news related to sports to valuable content, to politics around the world, and to 140 characters of text. This social platform has changed the world’s access to real-time information. This makes global ideas affordable and measured. Apart from this, corporate sectors are also seizing the opportunity to join the network, publicize their messages and cater to the needs of their customers.
Why You Should Learn Twitter Marketing Course?
Twitter is the most effective social media platform that helps to share ideas, search for ideas, build strong connectivity, nurture brand recognition and reach your target audience from all corners of the world. It helps you find and connect with prospects who may not follow you on other social networks.
How Twitter can help yourBusiness and Project?
Twitter is the most influential tool that allows businesses to broadcast and connect with a wider audience than any other social platform. 32% of all Internet users are using the Twitter handle and users are tweeting over 400 million tweets a day. It is highly adopted and used consistently, providing a greater opportunity to reach a wider audience. As reported by the data, 35% of advertisers have taken the lead from Twitter to learn how to use the Twitter platform appropriately for businesses. Predators are giving you the opportunity to explore your skills by learning the concept of social media platforms through various aspects. Take part in the online marketing course program, gain a piece of in-depth knowledge, and sharpen your skills to stand out from the crowd. Our highly experienced trainers can make you understand the concept of the Twitter training program and will cover every aspect of marketing on social networking platforms to get a better return on investment
Class session & Assignment
Session 1: Your Twitter Profile
Lesson 1: Create a Well-Positioned, Visually-Striking Twitter Profile
Lesson 2: Identify and Express Your Brand’s Voice
Lesson 3: Creative Ways to Use Hashtags Correctly
Assignment: Create an outstanding Twitter profile that reflects your brand
using a keyword-rich bio and engaging photos. Describe your brand’s voice
and three types of tweets that express it. Create a branded Twitter hashtag.
Session 2: Your Twitter Audience and Content
Lesson 1: Connect Your Target Market with Your Target Twitter
Lesson 2: How to Build a Marketing Persona
Lesson 3: 10 Types of Tweets and Their Outcomes
Assignment: Build a basic persona to be used to guide your future content
creation. Write 10-20 tweets targeted to your audience and reflect your business.
Session 3: Your Twitter Strategy
Lesson 1: Connecting Your Business Goals to Twitter
Lesson 2: 15 Twitter Tools to Help You Be a Better Tweeter
Lesson 3: Building a Twitter Schedule
Lesson 4: Four Types of Twitter Strategies: Ads, Content, Followers, and
Assignment: Identify SMART Twitter marketing goals that are aligned with your business objectives. Test several Twitter tools and describe the one(s) you find most useful. Create a one-month Twitter schedule. Describe how you would.
implement one of the following:
(a) a Twitter ad campaign
(b) a Twitter content strategy
(c) a Twitter followers strategy
(d) a Twitter influencer strategy
Session 4: Your Twitter Organization and Measurement
Lesson 1: Twitter Lists
Lesson 2: Twitter Search
Lesson 3: Twitter Analytics
Assignment: Create one Twitter list that aligns with your SMART goals and add at least 25 accounts. Use Twitter search to identify three potential leads among your target audience. Identify at least 3 KPSs that you can measure. Create a measurement plan and use it to assess your growth since the beginning of the class.
Course details
Name of the course: Twitter Marketing | Social Media Marketing
Duration of the course: Minimum 7 days & Maximum Unlimited Timing: We are always available for support
Timing for the course: To know the timing please click here
Book Free Demo Class: Click to Book a Free Demo Class
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Call Now For Training Enquiry: +91 8866685598